Re-Elect Republican
Melissa Schiffel

When it comes to protecting our families, results matter.

Melissa Schiffel is firm but fair and demands accountability from criminals who enter our county and endanger our citizens.


Polaris Mall Shootings

Melissa Schiffel jumped into action…

When shots rang out at Polaris Mall in 2021, Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel and her team jumped into action. Her successful prosecution of the shooters resulted in three dangerous criminals being taken off the street and sent to prison for more than 30 years total.


I-71 Active Shooter

Melissa Schiffel acted immediately…

"Senseless crimes rob our families of security and their loved ones every day. I remember distinctly when I heard about the active shooting on I-71 in 2022 and immediately praying for everyone’s safety. I was proud to bring swift justice to this criminal and securing a sentence of 25-31.5 years in prison"

Melissa Schiffel
Our Delaware County Prosecutor

When an active shooter descended on I-71 in Delaware County in 2022, Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel acted immediately to ensure the shooter was charged and held in custody without bail so that he could not go back on the streets and potentially harm again.

2021 & Beyond

Schiffel’s Safety Scholars

Melissa Schiffel educates our kids…

"Protecting our families includes prevention and education for our children. I am proud to have re-invested thousands of dollars seized from drug dealers back into our community every year. If I can reach just one child, or one parent and steer them away from addiction or educate them about preventing sexual assault, I will consider my purpose served as County Prosecutor."

Melissa Schiffel
Our Delaware County Prosecutor

In 2021, Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel launched a summer reading program called Schiffel’s Safety Scholars, where she partnered with our local libraries to get safety-themed books and messages into the hands of our kids. Using money seized from the drug dealers themselves who provide the poison that hurts and kills so many in our community, Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel has provided hundreds of books and resources to our kids and families now for three summers. Her program reaches kids from all over Delaware County including families from the Wornstaff Library, Unity Community Center, Sunbury Community Library and the Delaware County District Libraries.