Back the Blue

Melissa Schiffel backs the blue…

While the rest of the country tried to defund the police in 2020, Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel planned and organized the first Back the Blue Rally in Delaware County in 2020 to show our men and women in law enforcement that we appreciate the sacrifice they make to protect us daily. The now-annual rally attracts hundreds of supporters who are willing to step out and show their support for our thin blue line. Melissa’s efforts provided a blueprint for other groups and individuals who have hosted their own Back the Blue rallies to show their support too.

A Life of Service

Melissa Schiffel, a servant’s heart…

"We’re so thankful to be able to serve our community and our church Rock City. Our family strives to have an eternal mindset. My faith helps me personally develop strength, perspective and confidence that I need to prosecute the most heinous crimes day in and day out."

Melissa Schiffel
Our Delaware County Prosecutor

A Philanthropic Mindset

Melissa Schiffel pays it forward…

"I knew there were more like-minded women and mothers in the County — it just took someone to bring us all together."

Melissa Schiffel
Our Delaware County Prosecutor

Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel is passionate about paying it forward. For many years, Melissa has spearheaded philanthropic efforts in Delaware County to help local organizations like the Unity Community Center, Pregnancy Resource Center, Common Ground Free Store and many others. One example is GOPMoms — an informal group Melissa created that energizes moms and gathers annually to collect items like diapers to donate local groups.

Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9